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Jon Hannan

Streetsboro Middle School puts on Events for Charity

Streetsboro Middle School recently hosted two events for charity. The first was a canned food and personal hygiene drive, hosted by the schools National Junior Honors Society. The requested canned goods were anything that goes well with turkey, like stuffing, corn, mashed potatoes, gravy, etc. The personal hygiene products were your basic every day needs, such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, etc.

The second was hosted by the middle school and took place on Tuesday November 21, 2023, the day before Thanksgiving Break for Streetsboro Schools, middle school students had the chance to participate in a dodgeball tournament called Turkey Ball. The students were allowed to enter teams, but the cost to enter was 20 canned goods. If a student did not want to play dodgeball, but instead watch the event, they could enter by donating either $1 or one canned good. The winning teams got the chance to play the staff team. The student teams won both games against the staff, but the event raised over $140 and 400+ canned goods, which were then donated to the Streetsboro Community Pantry.

In addition to these events for the Thanksgiving holiday, the National Junior Honor Society and AC4P (Actively Caring for People) groups are partnering to put on events for the Christmas holiday. A gift drive will be taking place to benefit the Streetsboro Community Christmas. New items, valued around $10 will be collected and then donated to the Community Christmas event.

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